Tier 1

Remote assistance on an as-needed basis up to 3 hours per month, hours will roll over if not used.

Responding to text messages, phone calls and emails will count against the hours.

$150/month ($30 savings over normal hourly rate)

Tier 2

Tier 1 plus:

Virus protection monitored by us, we will be alerted if a virus/malware/spyware/ransomware/etc. are detected on a machine. We will diagnose the severity and repair it. Will advise if any file loss occurs or any additional action is necessary that might impact business.

Resource monitoring, we will proactively monitor hard drive storage space, network performance, software status and adjust computer operation as necessary. We can also recommend upgrades based on findings.

$200/month (existing virus protection software or services can be cancelled and replaced with this service)

Tier 3

Tier 1 and 2 plus:

Quarterly computer analysis for all machines on your network to remove unnecessary software, install performance and security updates (computers, networking equipment, other devices as required). This service will ensure that all systems are running top notch. Also, we will give you a report to let you know recommended upgrades and equipment that is end-of-life (past the age of its useful life). This will help you determine and plan for equipment refreshes rather than end up in an emergency if something fails and impacts your ability to do business.

$350/month (Above and beyond to keep your technology running the best it can!)